The MIT or Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the most important university in the world considering innovation and technology. We are participating in the Digital Transformation program about platform businesses, in order to improve our Entrepreneur model. Here our presentation, we hope you enjoy it:
In 2018 we founded INKA PRIME, originally dedicated to foster the development of agriculture in Peru, our country, through two areas of business: Exportation of Andean-amazonic superfoods, and Development of social projects. This led us to design a social-franchise model -with relevant private, public, and non-government allies- that had the logics of a platform. This because of the interaction of low-income farmers with other actors, giving them support, training and added value to their products.
Because of the pandemic our business model evolved, and now we are mainly focused on low-income entrepreneurs. We help them to get to the market or grow their businesses through training, and by selling our healthy cheese or cocoa quinoa snacks. We still have a platform model, or trying to, as we interact with different partners: Costumers, farmers, businesses (processing plant, package plant, design experts), government, universities, and a 1000 entrepreneur base, among others.
But we are still far from becoming an effective platform, considering the principles of tools & services, matchmaking, audience building, and rules & standards. As we are not able to systematize the creation, connection, consumption & compensation organically. For this reason, these partners are more like providers, as they are not creating value to the platform by themselves through a shared value strategy. Maybe we need to make a broader plan considering personal and group goals traduced in a mobile app, or maybe we need to focus more on the product and services that we are offering.