Krishna Kesari, India
Data Scientist at The World Bank Group
With 189 member countries, is the main global partnership fighting poverty worldwide through sustainable solutions.

Aaron Mwewa, Zambia
Deputy Chief at Hansard Editor of the National Assembly
Developing publications and parliamentary Debates in Britain and Commonwealth countries.

Patricia Garcia, Perú
Genetic Improvement Chief at National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA)
Ministry’s arm executing strategies in Genetics, Biotechnology and Tech.

Jorge Lluck, México
International Office Coordinator at United Nations
Strongest intergovernmental organization responsible for peace, harmonizing the actions of nations.

Valentina Arteaga, Colombia
Project Coordinator at Génie Latin America
Accelerates commercial success of innovations combining tools to discover insights and prototype intangibles.

Ignacio Pezo, DC
Education expert at Interamerican Development Bank
Main source of multilateral financing in Latin America, providing solutions to development challenges.

In order to obtain the collection of different actors in the development of national policies and programs, FAO carried out its Regional Dialogues with the participation of INKA PRIME as the only business invited.

eWorldtrade is a comprehensive B2B Marketplace currently caters over 500,000 registered users and briskly expanding its database of manufacturers, suppliers and companies from all over the world.

The World Bank supports social development by listening to poor people understanding and addressing their needs and aspirations; and building formal and informal institutions.

The UK Social Enterprise Awards recognise businesses that give back, enrich communities and make a contribution to society, as well as those who lead them.

Singularity University proudly supports startups across the world that demonstrate using exponential technologies to improve education.

This is a resource for anyone who wants to do things more creatively and collaboratively in their team or organization. It’s a collection of methods and activities, based on Hyper Island’s methodology.